AsaM GaRaM kEhidUpaN

pahit manis merupakan asam garam dalam kehidupan. kadangkala kita selalu merasakan diri kita yang terbaik. menolak segala yang datang kerana kita rasa kita mampu untuk melakukannya tanpa bantuan sesiapa. namun, kita seringkali terlupa bahawa kita bukanlah dicipta bersendirian di bumi Allah ini..

manusia sering alpa saat kejayaan datang bertamu. walhal, itu sebenarnya merupakan ujian kecil buat dirinya. DIA ingin melihat apakah kita ini seorang hamba yang bersyukur tatkala nikmat dikurniakan atau kufur. bibir mudah melafazkan keikhlasan namun keikhlasan sebenar yang datangnya dari dalam hati kita, hanya Allah yang mampu menilainya.

jika kita berbuat baik untuk mendapatkan nikmat syurga semata-mata, sia-sialah ia. bebuatlah kebajikan utnuk mendapatkan mardhatillah.. nescaya kedua-duanya akan kita miliki..

peliharalah hubungan sesama manusia kerana ia merupakan salah satu jalan untuk kita merapatkan hubungan dengan Allah. tidak rugi memohon maaf berbanding menanggung penyakit hati yang datangnya tidak kita sedari..

maaf adalah penghujung sabar....

luahan hati-


too late for tears

Too late for tears..

Death knocked on

a bedroom door.

“Who is there?”

the sleeping one cried.

“I’m Angel Izrael, let me inside.”

At once, the man began to shiver

as one sweating in deadly fever.

He shouted to his wife,

“Don’t let the Angel take my life.”

“O Angel of Death, I’m not ready yet.

My family, on my depend,

give me a chance

to go back and mend.”

The Angel knocked again.

“O man,

It’s your soul that I require

I come not with my own desire

Bewildered, the man began to cry:

“O Angel, I’m so afraid to die.”

“Let me remain here as your slave

don’t send me to the grave.”

“Let me in, O men,” the Angel said.

“Open the door,

get up from your bed,

you can’t stop me from coming in,

Angels can go through objects,

thick and thin.

The man held gun in his right hand,

Ready to defy the Angel’s stand.

“I’ll point my gun towards your head

You dare come in-I’ll shoot you dead.”

By now, the Angel was in the room,

saying, “O man, prepare for your doom,

foolish man-Angels never die,

put down your gun and do not sigh.

Why are you afraid-Tell me O man-

to die according to Allah’s plan?”

“O Angel, I bow my head in shame,

I had no time to remember Allah’s name.

From dawn till dusk, I made

my wealth,

not even caring for my spiritual health.

Allah’s commands I never obeyed,

nor five times a day I ever prayed.

Ramadhan came and a Ramadhan went,

But no time had I to repent.

The Haji was already obligatory upon me,

but I would not part with my money.

All charities I did ignore,

taking usury more and more.

Sometimes I sipped my favourite wine,

With flirting women I sat to dine.

O Angel I appeal to you,

spare my life for a year or two.

The laws of The Qur’an, I will obey,

I’ll begin Solat-this every day.

My Fast and Haji I will complete,

and keep away from self-conceit.

I will refrain from usury.

And give all my wealth to charity.

Wine and unlawful women,

I will detest,

Allah’s oneness I will attest.

“We Angels do what Allah demands,

We cannot go against His commands.

Death is ordained for everyone-

Father, mother, daughter and son.

I’m afraid, this moment in your last,

now be reminded of your past.

I do understand your fears.

But it is now too late for tears.

You lived in this world,

Too score or more,

Your parents you did not obey,

hungry beggars, you turned away.

Your two ill-mannered, female offspring,

In nightclubs, for livelihood they sing.

Instead of making more Muslims,

You made your children non-Muslims.

You ignored the Adhan (call to prayer)

Nor did you recite The Holy Qur’an.

Breaking promises all your life,

Backbiting friends and causing strife.

From hoarded goods,

Great profits you made,

And your poor workers-

You underpaid.

Horses and cards were your leisure,

Money-making was pleasure.

You ate and ate

And grew more fat,

With the very sick, you never sat.

A little donation, you never gave.

That could a little baby save.

You thought

You’re clever and strong,

But O man,

You’ve done enough wrong.

Paradise for you?? I cannot tell,

The disbeliever will

Dwell in hell.

There is no time for you to repent.

I’ll take your soul for which I am sent.”

Adapted by Dr Y Mansoor Marican,

Ph.D from “Operation Death” by

G.H.E Vanker.

bagaimana iman seseorang boleh terbatal????

Bagaimana iman seseorang boleh terbatal??

Iman membawa erti kepercayaan yang meresap ke dalam hati, dengan penuh keyakinan tidak bercampur syak dan ragu serta memberi pengaruh bagi pandangan hidup, tingkah laku dan perbuatan seharian.

Perkara2 yang membawa kepada terbatalnya iman:

1) Mengingkari atau mencerca rububiyah.

--tidak mempercayai atau mengingkari bahawa Allah adalah Tuhan yang mencipta sekalian alam.

2) Mengingkari atau mencerca nama-nama Allah dan sifat-sifatnya.

--mempermain2kan nama2 Allah.

3) Mengingkari atau mencerca uluhiyah.

--mengingkari Allah sahaja Tuhan yang layak disembah. (tidak beriman dengan dua kalimah syahadaah)

4) Mengingkari atau mencerca risalah.

p/s: taken from presentation by syahid group(ctu)